Thursday, December 16, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly." (Leviticus 25:44-46)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
In the driver's seat of my vehicle with a State Law Enforcement/Pub Safety Registered Firearm for which I passed the background check upon its purchase.
Moreover the guy I drew down on admitted that he'd reached into my driver's side window and cut off my ignition switch, removed the key, but claimed he'd called 911 first, not after, because of something no witness was ever produced to cooberorate.
Simply put, the patrol officers cited him for the crime and had a policy of a 24-hour cool-down, where they kept the gun, until I went to pick it up 36 hours later. They saw him as in the wrong, but also wanted to ensure my compliance. (Stupid policy. how do they know that's a bloke's only gun?)
I was arrested by detectives when I went to get it back because they knew the guy I drew on had a stepson who'd been arrested for threatening my employer's life. Sort of a "2+2=5" situation.
I was discussing this in prison with a guy who'd invited me to a Bible study and I told him I'd had just about enough of "turn the other cheek" and didn't get how in the South, we seem to love our guns with one side of our souls and the Sweet Lawd Jaysus with the other.
That's all it took: Two of the institution's Odinists approached me and said, "The gods of our Aryan ancestors did not believe in turning the other cheek. Christianity is a Jewish farce forced on the Scandinavian, Saxon, Celltic and Germanic People.
out of greed, not becauuse "Jesus died on the cross for us". The more they talked, the more I liked what they were saying, both about Asatru as a free-world religion and how in the Dept. of Corrections, the chaplaincy was required to recognize it and provide for our observances and that non-Whites didn't participate, because it's a European indegenous faith. We technically had to accept blacks and mexican'ts if they wanted to join, but, funny, seems nobody wanted to worship the heathen gods of blue-eyed, swine-eating devils.
after 12 years practicing Norse paganism, I wanted to become part of an organization that could effect the changes the Asatruar in me saw as vital to our survival. The Libertarians opened my eyes to the fact that the Republicans were merely a sham "opposition" to the destructive policies of the Democrats. I joined the NSM after 6 months of research where I determinted that this was an organization which would not ask me to engage in terrorist acts or to commit unprovoked attacks against non-whites. When I saw that at every NSM demonstration, the police had no trouble with them, now "us", and only arrested anti-NSM elements. I contacted Detriot and was met by a guy at a pub who saw that I was really White, had a head on my shoulders and could hold my drinks.
Now pour yourself a drink, because this is the main deal:
The more I began to live the life of an Asatruar, the less I felt like trying to appease the majority of non-Whites.
Ours are a people that evolved to survive the life-or-death, feast-or-famine challanges of the North. We chose to live among wolves, not elephants.
Don't get me wrong. I believe in treating all with respect until the need proves otherwise. I began to see most Negros as less evolved, less-inteligent, crime-prone animals. From an Asatru perspective, I looked at the scientific probability that homosapian life may well have begun in Africa, But what went so horribly wrong for the nignogs? Well, it would seem that our earliest Ancestors ventured North, away from what is now Africa, possibly at the age of the "Super-Continent" of Pangia and were strengthened by the "boot camp" of living conditions much harsher and more challanging than the ease of living in the "year-'round Summer Vacation" of sub-tropical Africa..
Most of the "points" of National Socialism began with the simple concepts by which our Ancestors' worked together for the mutual survival of not "the village, but of ulimately the Nation State", which in the "frozen" North of Europe gave us the Neitzschian concept of "That which does not kill serves to strengthen"
Our Race learned to survive in a climate very different from Africa. We learned how to dress and shelter ourselves against the bitter, snowy Winter of today's Norway, Germany and Russia. Villages learned how to work as a group for mutual benefit and survival. The Farmer grew his crops to feed the village nation/state. The Blacksmith made the tools needed to dig and till the land and the weapons to hunt and to slaughter game and to fight enemies. The midwives and healing women, whose understanding of herbs and the laws of nature taught them how to deliver babies, keep the children well, and heal the sick and those injured in battle or the hunt. We also learned how to save food over, including how many of each animal, and when to slaughter the livestock both for our food and for them to die quickly and not starve to death.
In short. National Socialism wasn't at first a set of precepts that had to be laid out and taugh. NS simply was.
Now look at Africa. Warm year-round plenty of vegitation to eat, for man and game, and plenty of game to hunt and eat. Year-round food, year-round warmth, a very easy place to live and no matter when a baby is born, it's always easy to keep a baby warm, feed the mother, so mother can nurse the baby. No need to evolve past opposable thumbs, no need for more than a mud, or even dung, hut. No need for strong structures, warm clothes. No need to store food and preserve meat for the "lean months". So one has the "luxury" of going around naked a lot of the time.. Ever seen most African tribal "courtship" rituals? Another National Geographic reference comes in handy. I saw the on the NatGeo channel about 4 years ago: Men who usually wear loin-cloths among the Himba and Massai dance around waving their pensis at girls as young as 11 or 12 who in turn proudly show off that their tits are developing. No real emotions form at first, save maybe among mother-and-child. Then the women remove what remaining clothes they have and dance for the men. Eventually, the men give the fathers or village elders pigs for the girls and they return to their own villages with these pre-teenage "brides". On the show I saw. They put on "Western" clothing and drive into the major towns, shop for CDs and Hot Pockets, and then back out to their villages of origin.
Presented with the benefits of 21st-Century American and European products and services, the CHOOSE to beat drums and to continue their naked mating rituals.
So what I see here in the United States is, we are reaping the consequences of buying Negro slaves from Negro slave traders and bringing them here.
Again, this is filtered through the perspective of an Odinist. One of the 9 Virtues of Asatru is Industriousness. Had we held to this virtue, we would not have imported all of those Negros here to the US to do our work for us, then had to free them, but fail to return them to Africa in any meaningful amount.
One measure of a person's honor is the way in which he treats his inferiors. Just as you don't beat up a guy who has cerebral palsey or deliberately cheat money out of somebody who is mentally retarded, we as a race (and I'm speaking of American whites, obviously not Canadians) were wrong to have used slavery to build our Nation in its first century.
Now, this should in no way be mistaken for White Liberal Guilt. The Odinist concept is siimilar to "Karma" and is called "Wyrd", pronounced "weird".
The Heathen Saxons and Vikings had a method of endentured servitude called "Thralldom" and a slave at this social station could work his way out. It was imposed under the conquorer/conquored relationship, or out of a debt that was borrowed in good faith, but the investment didn't pan out.The money was not borrowed to cheat the lender, but at the end of the day, the plan went tits-up and another remittence had to be established. Like the stereotype of "Washing dishes after a restaurant declines your Visa card".
But by the time of Negro Slavery in the U.S., we were Christian and the Bible defends the institution of unjust slavery.
Instead of having the fruit of our labors of which to be proud, we worked thousands of Negros to death. Then when they were freed, the correction of the injustices against the dumb brutes pushed too far in the other direction and they were given the "right" to vote.
On one hand, raping a woman is wholey unacceptable, and on the other, why desire to engage in sex on any level of consent with one of these hotentots?! I can, for one, assure you I'd never have raped a negro slave girl.
I wouldn't have dropped to one knee and delcared my undying love for her either.
I wouldn't have forced a Negro to plant or harvest my crops, nor would I have hired one to work for salary. Look at the Quakers. They were abolitionists, but you don't see blacks working arm-in-arm with today's Menonites or Amish. The Pennsylvania Germans, known incorrectly as "Dutch", are a very closed society. They have never mistreated the inferior Black, nor made him wilkommen among them. They helped them escape slavery, not paid them to stick around.They acted according to their conscious, not bleeding hearts.
What we have today is a majority of Blacks who want what Africa stunted their evolution to expect: Year-round, easy access to food, to access clothing and shelter with minimal effort and to still be able to shake their tits and dicks around to primitve music. Trade loin-cloths for pants that have to be held up by hand, because the word "belt" has too many sylables. Trade year-round sowing and harvestig for food-stamps. Trade mud/dung huts for Section-8 apartments.
Whites in the US are the other extreme. We settled in Minnesota, New York, Denver and Chicago because we were able to build factories and shipping/recieving depots along the Great Lakes because we'd already built the same sort of industry from Denmark to Kiev.
We are born of struggle, raised by adversity and sustained by our ability to create civiliations. That's our nature.
If you look at the Crips and Bloods, you have the exact same thing happening in Africa among the Huttus and Tooscies.
We build, they destroy.
We have White Unity,
They have canibalism and barbarism directed towards their own.
And I for one could care less who is offended at my desire to live by my inherent will to survive.