First, I don't identify with the bourgeois class of country club, Zionist Masonic power brokers of the deluded Christian White Republicans. I have no use for any form of adherence to Jewish/Catholic/Muslim desert mongrel myths. I'm from the working class, national socialist persuasion and I don't associate myself with the Catholic/Christian arrival of Columbus to the Island of Hispaniola.
500 years before, Lief Erikson landed on the actual continent of North America from across the North Atlantic settlements of Iceland and Greenland. Lief was not a Catholic, nor did he seek to oppress the Native "Indians". He was, what you'd call today, "Asatru"-a follower of the heathen belief system that predated Christianism by millennia.
However, by the time European tribes got to Vinland, we were no longer merely hunter-gathering nomads. This continent was a wild land and to "assimilate" to the Native American ways would be to devolve. We instead build permanent residences, government buildings, mills and eventually the railroads. We didn't know enough about genetics to know that the Native Americans lacked the enzyme to imbibe alcohol and we didn't know enough then about viruses and immunity and we did introduce to this country illnesses that we couldn't possibly have known about. It's even been suggested that the Black Plague of Europe was latently transmitted to a people that had not built up a resistance to it.
What I don't agree with is that Christianity should have been forced onto the "Indians" anymore than it should have been forced upon the Norse by the Mediterraneans. Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism and a foreign spirituality to Nordic mankind. The heathens that found Vinland would have respected the spiritual system of the Natives because neither race held a "revealed religion" as a basis for having "The Only True Religion".
However the fact remains that when Saxon/Germanic people gain land, we build civilizations. Left to their own devices, most indigenous peoples live in thatched huts and tents.
And, sorry, but the South Afrikaners tamed that land, too, and with the dissolution of Apartheid, chaos and tribal fighting became the order of the day. In short, only the Japanese and other Mongolians match the Germanic people in collective nation-building.
During Japan's Shogunate era, they, too, became a very nationalistic race and barred all international trade, with one exception: the Dutch. They were seen as honest traders and as superior to even the Chinese, close relatives to the Japanese.

And today, in Japanese animation, how do they depict their heroes? With huge blue eyes. You see, just as Americans incorrectly characterize Asians as "slant-eyed", Japanese culture sees Whites as having "big", "round" blue eyes. And that translates as "God-like". That's not some White "supremacist" notion, that is a Japanese viewpoint.

In short, I support a separatist ideology. I think people of ALL RACES, who choose to pursue a better life for oneself through diligent work, education and service in the military and law-enforcement as well as medical and technical fields, deserve to reap the rewards of a productive lifestyle.
As to people of Northern European ancestry, we need to distance ourselves from drugs, criminal activity, crack-rap "music", and foreign religions. We need to draw away from race-mixing, pull our pants up and speak clearly. No more Slim Shady whiteboys. I don't advocate violence against non-whites on the basis of race. I advocate sitting back and letting them wipe each other the fuck out with their drug turf wars and gang retaliations.
That is to say that if a Black or Hispanic youth chooses to instead go to school and work part time, graduate and go on to college or the military, I have no problem with that person's basic right to exist. S/he chose not to sell drugs and make babies and go on public assistance and as a result has earned his/her place in society. Sadly, it would appear that they are the minority, no pun intended, among their respective communities. When Bill Cosby gives speaking engagements, he always tells young Blacks, "Pull up your pants. Speak intelligently. Complete your education. Pursue a professional career. Stop having bastard children. Quit naming your bastard children funky made-up names that have no lineage like Sharquetta or Nametha or DaKwan" And his own people call him an "Uncle Tom". They resent a call to excellence.
I call my own Race to excellence. Stand for a Saxon/Germanic Identity. Why is it that Cinco De Mayo, Kwanza, Jewish New Year, Chinese New Year and other racially-unique observances are not seen as "racist" or "hateful"? Maybe because they're not. But should a White group want to set aside White History Month, White Entertainment TV, or to establish college funds for low-income White highschool grads, we are immediately branded "racists". Well, if wanting White Women to have White babies is "racist", or wanting White kids to appreciate Classical music like Bach, Wagner and Orff and modern music like Lamb of God, Devildriver and Hatebreed is "racist". If calling upon Whites to insist that we shouldn't have to become bilingual to hold a job in our own country is racist-and this affects Black job-seekers, too-then YOU'VE decided that I'm a racist, not me.
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