Monday, February 8, 2010
WALHALLA -- The Oconee County coroner said a sheriff's deputy died after he was pinned between his patrol car and a tree.
Coroner Karl E. Addis told multiple media outlets that 26-year-old William Frederick Schuck III of Rabun Gap, Ga., died Sunday morning of traumatic asphyxiation.
Schuck had been patrolling a private dirt road near Highway 11 north of Walhalla when his car got stuck. When he got out of the car to assess his situation, the car apparently movedforward and pinned him to the tree.
Investigators said Schuck had spoken with his wife after 1:30 a.m. and told her his car was stuck. When his supervisor could not reach him on the phone or radio, officers began searching for him. He was found dead at 3 a.m.
The first three comments below demonstrate the degree to which liberal democracy has extended 1St Amendment rights to limp-wristed pukes with no appreciation for the lives of Law Enforcement Officers (or our servicemen for that matter) I wish to point out that the majority of comments posted in my local paper were in condolence towards this man and his family and that I've left them out of my blog post simply because they go without saying.
critical wrote:
Sounds like he was trespassing, and got stuck.
Oh well.
billythekid wrote:
he killed himself
thorodinson14 wrote:
There's a lot we don't know, but the "He killed himself" is one we can all rule out. Officer suicide never occurs from pinning oneself to a tree with a Crown Victoria when there is a quick, painless-if done "right"-means on one's hip ever since one was sworn in.
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harpo wrote:
"Schuck had been patrolling a private dirt road .."
?? We're lucky to have our PUBLIC roads get patrolled by deputies around these parts. What's a deputy patrolling a private road for?
2/8/2010 2:12 AM EST on Post and Courier
thorodinson14 wrote:
After we almost lost Deputy DeGrow to that subhuman burglarizing crack pimp last month, and
after two upstate deputies got shot putting more beasts in their cages, anybody who presumes
to make flippant remarks about the death of a Law Enforcement Officer should be gang-raped
by the inbred, A.I.D.S.-carrying mongrels from whom the police are protecting them.
The parasitic lives of you communist, dope smoking pieces of Sierra Hotel India Tango aren't
worth the police protection you throw in back in their faces. Go rot in your crack-houses.
At least that Law Enforcement officer died in a city carrying the German name for Valhalla.Come find me and see how long it takes you to go running to the police Thorodinson14@yahoo.com anywhere, anytime, you communist pigs.
critical wrote:
Over 100 people die every minute. This particular one seemed to being something both stupid
and illegal (trespassing) at the time of his demise.
It seems you are consumed more with hatred than with grief - hence your crocodile tears are
hypocritical, self-righteous, and ridiculous.Your comment at the end also smacks of a propensity to engage in interpersonal felonies.
thorodinson14 wrote:
Critical. You're not going to get so much an argument from me as an addendum. I'm unable to experience "grief" for officer Shuck insofar as I did not know him and therefor have not incurred a personal loss.
So of course my comments are motivated by ABSOLUTE, DISTILLED HATRED (for which I take full ownership but for which make no apologies) towards any element of society which would mock the death of a policeman
There was a saying on t-shirts a member of the public could purchase, but which mainly sold at Police/EMS/FD equipment stores, "Next time you're being robbed, call a hippie". Anybody who presumes to talk sierra hotel india tango about a police officer being killed has forfeited his/her right to the protection LEOs provide. Now I say "forfeited the right", not the actual service, because it's not like the days prior to insurance, when if you didn't pay dues to the fire department, your property would be allowed to burn away.
And the fact that you responded to my personal challenge as an indication of my "willingness" to engage in interpersonal felonies would suggest to me that you grasp which is the right, and which is the wrong, side of the law, which flies in the face of your anarchist statements toward the value of this fallen officer's life. You really think I'd respond to the email and set an appointment to harm somebody and later be proven to have committed a premeditated act? I'm a private teacher and private tutor who works with children, for gawd's sake, you just took the bait as far as I would reel it in in reality.
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