Hitler only used the word Socialism in his party's official title to gain support from the workers, in reality he hated socialism almost as much as communism. Never mind the irony in the fact the Nazis suppressed freedom of speech.
As for the whole stop immigration thing, hey idiots, guess where your ancestors came from. Yep, Europe, so in other words they immigrated to this continent. Hypocrisy at its finest. But hey what more can be expected from close-minded, uneducated people.
Also, German Nazis might have believed in this fucked belief but they were intelligent and brilliant in other respects, especially the non-Nazi officers in the Wehrmacht during World War 2. These guys are a bunch of stupid and fanatical cunts who are pissed off that higher educated and more qualified minorities are taking jobs, mostly ones they couldn't get anyway at that. They claim to love and do this for America but why use Nazi symbols too? AMERICA FOUGHT THEM BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEFS!
Communism wasn't communist, national socialism wasn't socialist so why the fuck are these morons calling themselves national socialists? Oh yeah, because their mental challenged and praise the words and beliefs of genocidal mad man who used the Jews as a scapegoat to build a war machine solely for the purpose of the domination of the European continent and eventually, the world. Simple minded cunts.
good point. The american nazis are a bunch of euro trash who need to GIT OUT OF AMERICA! in my eyes there just like the terrorist sons of bitches like saddam and bin laden.
And as National Socialist, I for one am very much educated, having completed studies in Music Theory and Composition, Psychology and Sociology. I am a music teacher, studio musician and have held positions with PSA-Denver, a strategic consulting firm that gathered demographic studies for other corporations and was a public relations assistant for a chain of multi-disciplinary healthcare clinics where I facilitated free speaking engagements for our Doctors who were later hired in-house.
Oh, and since I'm just a "hateful racist bastard", you care to explain why no matter how liberal and "caring" Left-wing progressive some parents are, their US-born kids still have to be bilingual to get a job in their own country?
When Bill Cosby tells young Black males to wear clothes that fit and speak intelligibly, they often say he wants them to "Act White"
When Bill Cosby tells young Black males to wear clothes that fit and speak intelligibly, they often say he wants them to "Act White"
The fact is Might is Right and when we came to "Vinland" there was no Immigration Office to which we had to report because there was no established nation. The Native Americans had a philosophical question: "Who can own a land?". We had a very philosophical answer, "Whites. We've owned lands in Europe for thousands of years, and we'll do it here, too, and since you didn't already have a civilization here, we'll help you out with that." You liberal whiners would prefer Teepees instead of cities?
The idea of National Socialism is Whites helping Whites first. You fix my car, I repair your drywall. The guy with the deteriorating sheet-rock doesn't take out a home loan and the guy whose transmission is going out doesn't get ripped off by nationwide scammers, Jiffy Lube, known for selling drivers stuff their cars don't need. NS is Whites making an existence for themselves that prevents ZOG banks from profiting and leaves the chimp gangs and non-English-speaking immigrants to their own hell.
guess where your ancestors came from. Yep, Europe, so in other words they immigrated to this continent. Hypocrisy at its finest.
When Europeans came to this country, Europe had established capitals like London and Paris, Berlin (which had been founded in 1689 to assist Huguenot refuges) and Vienna-around since 500 C.E.-What we found here was a land occupied by indigenous nomads who were still living in the Bronze age.
Europeans immigrated here from civilization and brought civilization here.
When Europeans came to this country, Europe had established capitals like London and Paris, Berlin (which had been founded in 1689 to assist Huguenot refuges) and Vienna-around since 500 C.E.-What we found here was a land occupied by indigenous nomads who were still living in the Bronze age.
Europeans immigrated here from civilization and brought civilization here.
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