14/88 Metal Bassist. Available March. (Atlanta-relocating 3/5/10)
Date: 2010-02-14, 7:24PM EST
Reply to: comm-n6a22-1600925628@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Pro Gear/Music Theory/Drug-Free
- Location: Atlanta-relocating 3/5/10
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craigslist > community > musicians
re: 14/88 Metal Bassist. Available March. (Atlanta-relocating 3/5/10)
Date: 2010-02-15, 4:00PM EST
Reply to: comm1488@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Hey great... Nazi music. No thanks.
He groß… Nazimusik. Kein Dank. ?
The question was not "Who is 'Not Interested' in forming a metal band centered around law-abiding, working class men of Northern European Ancestry?" I've figured out long ago that the lion's share of today's popular entertainment caters to a small percentage of American Citizens which identify musical self-expression by means of glorifying violent crime and drug-dealing and the implosive self-destruction of one's own community.
I'm not interested in forming a band the sole purpose of which is to lower itself to the level of conveying inflammatory or derisive generalizations of all persons of non-European ancestry. The inspiration for such a cheap-shot musical project is in no short supply and therefore represents little in the way of a challlange.
The question remains: Who is interested in forming a band based on everything from Scandinavian mythology to the sense of isolation, perceived or actual, experienced by people of Anglo-Saxon/Germanic heritage who know of no other way to provide for their families than by perseverance, diligence, education and hard work while all around them lurk a parasitic criminal element acting on little more than predatory instincts manifested by drug-dealing and theft, including socialist distribution of unearned income facilitated by the taxation of honest citizens.
And guess what, I have no problem acknowledging the fact that the above demographic, excluding parameters of ethnicity obviously, includes a minority of non-Whites, many of whom dare to serve in the military and Law-Enforcement and to whom I credit for breaking the cycle of self-imposed thralldom.
So while nobody seems to have a problem with covering songs like "The First of The Month" by Bone Thugs'n'Harmony or "Two Dope Boyz in a Cadillac" by OutKast here in Atlanta
I guess it's too much to ask for a singer, guitarist and drummer out there in Charleston to want to "rep" the struggle of law-abiding "Blue-Eyed Devils" in the " Stop Snitchin' " generation?! If so then go smoke your marijuana and revel in your Communist delusions while CAPITALIST pimps and drug-dealers woo you into your false sense of "Hey", it's not Crack"
From "Two Dope Boyz in a Cadillac"-OutKast:
but mostly off the joint
See I smoke good cuz see it go good wit them flows, why
the nigga the B-I-G like Tony Rich nobody knows why
but me and my folks, cuz yall niggas jokes like the joker
I'm sick of these wack ass rappers like I'm tired of hoes in chokers
Who dem boyz that be havin the cronk every occasion
This side niggaz dustin, that side niggaz lacin
But in the middle we stay calm, we just drop bombs
askin where we come from...South Post Lodge
PostingID: 1602171144He groß… Nazimusik. Kein Dank. ?
The question was not "Who is 'Not Interested' in forming a metal band centered around law-abiding, working class men of Northern European Ancestry?" I've figured out long ago that the lion's share of today's popular entertainment caters to a small percentage of American Citizens which identify musical self-expression by means of glorifying violent crime and drug-dealing and the implosive self-destruction of one's own community.
I'm not interested in forming a band the sole purpose of which is to lower itself to the level of conveying inflammatory or derisive generalizations of all persons of non-European ancestry. The inspiration for such a cheap-shot musical project is in no short supply and therefore represents little in the way of a challlange.
The question remains: Who is interested in forming a band based on everything from Scandinavian mythology to the sense of isolation, perceived or actual, experienced by people of Anglo-Saxon/Germanic heritage who know of no other way to provide for their families than by perseverance, diligence, education and hard work while all around them lurk a parasitic criminal element acting on little more than predatory instincts manifested by drug-dealing and theft, including socialist distribution of unearned income facilitated by the taxation of honest citizens.
And guess what, I have no problem acknowledging the fact that the above demographic, excluding parameters of ethnicity obviously, includes a minority of non-Whites, many of whom dare to serve in the military and Law-Enforcement and to whom I credit for breaking the cycle of self-imposed thralldom.
So while nobody seems to have a problem with covering songs like "The First of The Month" by Bone Thugs'n'Harmony or "Two Dope Boyz in a Cadillac" by OutKast here in Atlanta
I guess it's too much to ask for a singer, guitarist and drummer out there in Charleston to want to "rep" the struggle of law-abiding "Blue-Eyed Devils" in the " Stop Snitchin' " generation?! If so then go smoke your marijuana and revel in your Communist delusions while CAPITALIST pimps and drug-dealers woo you into your false sense of "Hey", it's not Crack"
From "Two Dope Boyz in a Cadillac"-OutKast:
but mostly off the joint
See I smoke good cuz see it go good wit them flows, why
the nigga the B-I-G like Tony Rich nobody knows why
but me and my folks, cuz yall niggas jokes like the joker
I'm sick of these wack ass rappers like I'm tired of hoes in chokers
Who dem boyz that be havin the cronk every occasion
This side niggaz dustin, that side niggaz lacin
But in the middle we stay calm, we just drop bombs
askin where we come from...South Post Lodge
- Location: Atlanta-relocating 3/5/10
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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heil douchebag (acne sucks)
Date: 2010-02-15, 6:03PM EST
Reply to: comm-b37x2-1602388430@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Come down from the gun-tower, bro, or at least out of your mom's basement. Things ain't so bad.
Hey, dude, if you need a continuing story/soap opera to keep you busy, check out the Harry Potter books. Vikings and shit, really?
Have you ever kissed a girl? There's a whole world out there bro......
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"Thor Odinson"
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Come down from the gun-tower, bro, You're thinking of the clock-tower on West Campus of the University of Texas, at Austin Been there. Not up the tower I mean, but lived and worked in Austin's music scene for 3 years and four SXSWs Hey, dude, if you need a continuing story/soap opera to keep you busy, check out the Harry Potter books.I checked out the first one to see what all the right-wing Christian fuss was about. Vikings and shit, really? Ever heard of Amon Amarth? There's a whole scene based on Scandinavian mythology. Enslaved, Einherjar, etc...Ever checked out Japan's Metal scene, like EZO? Those guys draw heavily from their Kabuki roots. Have you ever kissed a girl? Come down from the gun-tower, bro, or at least out of your mom's basement. This part of your whole rant is taken from the opening sketch of an 80s Saturday Night Live episode, guest-hosted by William Shatner. Shatner is playing himself in a scene where it's a Star Trek Convention and all these die-hard Trekkies are asking Shatner about trivial, esoteric details of ST episodes that even the cast couldn't possibly give a toss about. http://s263.photobucket.com/albums/ii137/Alembic-/Videos/?action=view¤t=SNL-WilliamShatner-GetALife.flv All that "Move out of your parents basement/ever kissed a girl?/get a life" were Shatnter's exasperated responses to their questions. That's the problem with your Marxist fantasy land: it discourages original concepts and reduces one to a knee-jerk reactionary prima donna. |
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